It consists of three components.

Community reporters

Report abnormal incidents related to people, animals, and the environment, as well as public service alerts through the "PODD" application and the LINE application "@podd-report"

A digital system for reporting, processing, and automatically issuing alerts

A data collection center that processes and automatically sends alerts to relevant stakeholders, such as livestock officers, public health officials, local administrative organizations and village leaders.

The One Health Center/Committee of the Local Administrative Organization

The abnormal incident response unit is a collaboration of relevant agencies, with a preparedness plan to address such abnormal events.


How does PODD help with early detection and rapid response?

Report via PODD

- People
- Animals
- Environment
- Food Safety
- Public Service Request

Automatic processing and notification

- Notify via Line Notify (through a group on Line)
- Notify via Application
- Notify via Email

Share information with all levels of the organization

- Provincial level (Public Health, Livestock)
- District level (Public Health, Livestock)
- Local level (Local Administrative Organizations, Village)

Coordinate collaboration to solve problems

- Display monthly monitoring results automatically.
- Check for abnormalities in areas at all levels.
- Quick notification, quick awareness, quick response, minimal damage.


Awards and Achievements


Grand Prize Winner The Trinity Challenge


MIT Solve 2020


ASEAN ICT Awards 2017


Partner Organizations

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